
Showing posts from August, 2019

One city losing trees at the rate of 5,000 per year

Officials in Wichita, Kansas, are concerned. The city's tree canopy is disappearing at an alarming rate. Only 23% of their land is covered by tree canopy and that number is trending downward.  Summer drought seems to be the biggest factor in the decline. If that's the situation in Wichita, what is it like in other major North American cities?

Amazon Rain Forest on Fire!

They've called out the army to fight forest fires raging across Brazil, including the Amazon Basin, home to the world's largest continuous rainforest. Forest fires are burning in Bolivia and Peru as well. There are not nearly enough human resources to cope with a disaster of this magnitude, while debate still goes on concerning how and why it all started. The number of individual rainforest fires is said to be up over 80% in Brazil alone so far this year. This is the kind of disaster for the planet that only tree planting can reverse. LEARN MORE HERE ==>

Planting 220 million trees - now that's what I'm talkin' about!

It happened in India, in the state of Upper Pradesh. " More than a million Indians planted 220 million trees on Friday [Aug. 9] in a government campaign to tackle climate change and improve the environment in the country's most populous state." - And it was all in aid of improvement to the environment... If they can do it in India, why can't we do it here?

They took all the trees...

They took all the trees Put 'em in a tree museum And they charged the people A dollar and a half just to see 'em -Joni Mitchell, 1969 Photo: NComparato (CCL)

Curbing Noise Pollution with Trees

"Research is proving the effectiveness of trees and shrubs as noise abaters—research prompted by the growing awareness that excessive noise is a form of environmental pollution. The average community noise level has risen fourfold in the past 20 years with jet aircraft, the heavy vehicular traffic, and domestic power equipment contributing to the problem. It is likely to go higher if it is not checked." But how many trees does one need? It turns out the that number and types of trees and shrubs is important in creating an effective noise filter. "In some situations trees will reduce noise levels up to 50% but to be effective you need a tree barrier that is at least 50 feet deep. It also needs to be longer than you might expect, and it needs to consist of both trees and shrubs that start at ground level." And, "evergreens are favored for year-round noise screening. " For additional reading on the subject: Trees And Shrubs Can Curb Noise:...

Trees for global warming... What are the obstacles?


Can we plant a trillion trees in Canada?


Plant 1 Trillion Trees - to Combat Global Warming
